Report details alleged drugging of patrons at West Hollywood gay nightclub, The Abbey

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The Tea: A new investigative piece published by The 19th News details a pattern of stunning allegations of drugging from patrons of iconic West Hollywood nightclub, The Abbey:

  • The three-year investigation interviewed more than 70 abbey patrons who said that their drinks had been drugged
  • Allegations of druggings and assault from 2007 through 2023 were investigated
  • Patrons provided medical documentation, text messages, videos, and other forms of evidence to substantiate their claims

The background: Police, government officials, and Abbey management had known about drugging allegations for years

  • Public records indicate that West Hollywood elected officials and law enforcement officers had known of the claims since 2016
  • The 19th also interviewed four former Abbey employees who said that they alerted Abbey management on many occasions of potential druggings

Read the report at The 19th: